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This page is continuosly being updated. Please check back later for updates. Last Update: 16th November 2019

World Renowned Speakers

Plenary Speakers

Bartek Glowacki

University of Cambridge, UK

Hydrogen as a fuel and as a coolant - from the superconductivity perspective

Ernst Wolfgang Stautner

General Electric, USA

Recent Advances in Cryogenics from Materials to Applications

Eugenio Coronado

University of Valencia, Spain

Molecular Magnetism in Spintronics

Herman Ten Kate

CERN, Switzerland

ReBCO-CORC High Current Conductors and Coil Technology Development at CERN

Ivan Bozovic

Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

On the road to room-temperature superconductivity: the lessons learned from cuprates

Jean Marc Greneche

CNRS, France

Structural and magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles

Joe D. Thompson

Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

Opportunities in Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity

Jun-ichi Shimoyama

Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan

Recent Progresses in Superconducting Joint Technologies Connecting HTS Materials

Nobuyuki Yoshikawa

Yokohama National University, Japan

Overview- Superconducting Computing

Roland Wiesendanger

University of Hamburg, Germany

Topological Superconductivity and Majorana States in 1D and 2D Model Systems

Valerii Vinokur

Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Superconductor-Insulator Transition: Quarks, Superconductivity and Superinsulation

Yanwei Ma

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Development, processing and manufacture of superconducting materials in China

Half Plenary Speakers

Emre Erdem

Sabanci University, Turkey

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies on combined Metal/ Metal oxide and C-doped MgB2 superconductor materials

Ivan Troyan

Institute for Crystallography RAS, Russia

Experimental Studies of Superconducting Hydrides at Mb-Pressures

Jaume Veciana


Charge transport through redox and magnetically active molecules

Kazumasa Iida

Nagoya University, Japan

Fe-based superconducting thin films for evaluating the application potential

Laura Greene

The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA ; Florida State University, USA

Exotic Pairing in the Heavy-fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5

Mehmet Ertugrul

Ataturk University, Turkey

Energy Efficient Ultraconductive Wires

Sadamichi Maekawa

RIKEN, Japan

Spin Mechatronics in Spintronics

Selvan Demir

Michigan State University, USA

New Phenomena and Applications in Molecular Magnetism




Keynote/Invited Speakers

Abdulhadi Baykal

Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

Exchange-coupled behavior in SrTb0.01Tm0.01Fe11.98O19/(CoFe2O4)x hard/soft nanocomposites

Abir De Sarkar

Institute of Nano Science & Technology, India

Valley physics and energy conversion in selected two-dimensional materials

Adrian Crisan

National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania

AC Susceptibility Response in Iron-based Superconducting Single Crystals BaFe2(As1−xPx)2 and CaKFe4As4

Ahmad Awad

University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Stimulated wave-vector selective spin wave excitation using femtosecond laser pulse trains

Ahmet Cansız

Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Design considerations in high temperature superconductor use in maglev trains: Levitation, Propulsion and Guidance

Akio Kimura

Hiroshima University, Japan

Spectroscopic view of martensitic phase transition in Co and Mn based Heusler alloys

Akiyasu Yamamoto

Tokyo University, Japan

Recent progress in the development of polycrystalline superconducting bulk magnets

Alain Sacuto

Université Paris Diderot, France

Energy Scale of Charge Density Wave in Cuprates: first observation of a precursor gap in the charge channel in cuprates

Alexander Bobkov

ISSP, Chernogolovka, Russia

Thermally induced spin-transfer torques in superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers

Alexander Kurbakov

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia

Study of 2D Long-range Magnetic Order and Spin Correlations in Na2Ni2TeO6 Layered Compound by Polarized and Unpolarized Neutrons Scattering

Alexander Ovchinnikov

Ural Federal University, Russia

Tensile Deformations of the Magnetic Chiral Soliton Lattice Probed by Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscopy

Alexander A. Serga

University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Josephson Oscillations in a Room-Temperature Magnon Bose-Einstein Condensate

Alexander Shengelaya

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia

High Temperature Superconductivity in Oxygen Reduced Tungsten Oxide WO2.9

Alexander Zaitsev

KIT, Germany

Effect of Grain Boundaries on Superconducting Properties of FeSe Films

Alexander Zyuzin

Aalto University, Finland

Antichiral and nematicity-wave superconductivity

Alexandre Golubov

University of Twente, Netherlands

Superconducting Spintronics

Alexei Koshelev

Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Mechanism of interlayer helical magnetic structure in RbEuFe4As4 due to indirect exchange interactions mediated by interlayer tunneling

Alexey Mironov

State Novosibirsk University, Russia

The Effect of Dimensionality on a Superinsulating State

Alexey Snezhko

Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Emergent multi-vortex states in active magnetic colloids

Alexey Tsvelik

Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Superconductor-Metal transition in the Pair Density Wave state subject to magnetic field

Alexy Karenowska

University of Oxford, UK

Quantum Circuits and Magnons: Progress and Potential

Ali Gungor

Bahcesehir University, Turkey

Structural, optical and magnetic properties of Cu/Ni co-doped ZnO Films

Ali Zaoui

Université de Lille, France

Theoretical studies on various compounds and ternary systems under peculiar environment effect

Aline Ramires

Max Planck Institute, Germany

Twisted Bilayer Graphene: A novel platform for the engineering of exotic electronic states

Àlvar Sánchez Moreno

Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Making magnetic fields undetectable: from particle accelerators to simple one-layer cloaks

Anatoli Siderenko

Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies, Moldova

Layered nanostructures for superconducting spintronics

Anders Christian Wulff

Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Multifilamentary high performance superconducting wires for energy applications

Andreas Ney

Kepler University, Linz, Austria

Dynamic magnetic properties of micro-magnets studied by spatially and time-resolved x-ray detected ferromagnetic resonance microscopy

Andrejs Cebers

University of Latvia, Latvia

Self-Organization and Transport in Bioinspired Active Magnetic Colloids

Andrés Sotelo

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Tuning Ca3Co4O9 thermal, mechanical, and thermoelectric properties via BC addition

Andrew G. Semenov

HSE University, Russia

Full Counting Statistics of Quantum Phase slips in Superconducting Nanostructures

Andrii Chumak

University of Vienna, Austria

Nanoscale spin-wave directional coupler for all-magnon circuits

Andrzej Ptok

Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Poland

Artificial separation of trivial and topological superconducting domains

Andrzej Stupakiewicz

University of Bialystok, Poland

Towards all-optical magnetic recording

Angelo Di Bernardo

University of Konstanz, Germany

Exchange coupling between ferromagnetic insulators mediated by a nodal superconductor

Anika Schlenhoff

University of Hamburg, Germany

Vacuum Resonance States as Atomic-Scale Probes of Noncollinear Surface Magnetism

Anna Palau


Nanoengineered high temperature superconducting films with novel functionalities

Arcady Zhukov

UPV/EHU, Spain

Magnetic shape memory microwires: preparation and properties

Ariando Ariando

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Room-temperature colossal magnetoresistance in terraced single-layer graphene

Arno Godeke

Varian Medical Systems Particle Therapy GmbH, Germany

Superconducting Technologies for Cancer Treatment with Particle Therapy

Avni Aksoy

Ankara University Institute of Accelerator Technologies, Turkey

The Superconducting Accelerating Structures at TARLA

Ayyar Manikandan

Bharath University, India

Effect of Transition and Rare Earth Elements Doped Nano-Ferrites Enhanced Biocatalytic-Medical Activity

Carmine Senatore

University of Geneva, Switzerland

High field superconductivity in C-doped MgB2 prepared by inductive heating

Caroline Gorham

Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Topological-Ordering in Quaternion Condensed Matter: A Novel Perspective on the Kauzmann Entropy Paradox as a Quantum Critical Point

Catherine Pepin

CNRS, France

Fractionalized Pair Density Wave and under doped cuprate superconductors

Chiheng Dong

CAS, China

Fabrication and superconducting properties of high-performance iron-based superconducting tapes

Costel R. Rotundu


High pressure study of the quantum spin chain material TiOCl

Cyril Proust

Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses - Toulouse (France)

High field charge order in underdoped cuprates

Daniel Braithwaite

Univ. Grenoble Alpes and CEA, France

The nearly ferromagnetic superconductor UTe2 under pressure

Daniel Khomskii

University of Cologne, Germany

Orbital-selective effects in cluster Mott insulators: "molecules" in solids against magnetism

Daniel Ruiz Molina


New Phenomena and applications in molecular magnetism

Daniele di Castro

Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy

High Tc superconductivity in interacting quasi-2D sheets at oxide interfaces

Daoyong Cong

University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Exploration of Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys for Multicaloric Cooling

Dario Daghero

Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Tuning the Critical Temperature and the Gap Amplitudes in Fe-Based Superconducting Thin Films: the Effects of Substitutions, Strain, Irradiation, Charge Doping

Dariusz Kaczorowski

Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Magnetic Field Driven Quantum Criticality in Antiferromagnetic CePtIn4

Dariusz Sztenkiel

Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Voltage Assisted Magnetization Switching in Ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)N

Davor Pavuna

EPFL, Switzerland

HTS Superconducting Thin Films and Interface Superconductivity

Denis Sunko

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Superconductivity in Ionic Metals

Devrim Guclu

Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Electronic and magnetic properties of graphene at nanoscale

Dimitri Roditchev

LPEM, ESPCI Paris, PSL Research University, Paris, France

Magnetically Ordered Iron-Pnictide Superconductors

Dmitry S. Golubev

Aalto University, Finland

Photonic heat transport across a Josephson junction

Dongliang Wang

CAS, China

Development of IMD-processed 100 m-class 6-filament MgB2 Wire and Solenoid Coil

Dorothée Colson

Université Paris-Saclay, France

Crystal growth and control doping of HgBa2CuO4+δ and HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ Superconductors

Ece Uykur

Universität Stuttgart, Germany

Optical investigations of Eu-based iron pnictide superconductors

Emre Gur

Ataturk University, Turkey

Field Effect Transistor Applications on 2D WS2 sputtered layers

Evgeni Il'ichev

Leibniz IPHT, Germany

Quantum metamaterials composed of superconducting flux qubits

Farkhad Aliev

Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Superconducting spintronics with spin-orbit coupling and symmetry filtering

Feng Shiping

Beihang University, China

Renormalization of electrons in bilayer cuprate superconductors

Fernando Luis Vitalla

ICMA, Spanish National Research Council, Spain

Quantum-enhanced Landauer erasure and storage of a molecular magnetic bit

Flavio Nogueira

Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Germany

Field theory of vortices and Josephson junctions in topological matter

Gaël Grissonnanche

Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

Giant Thermal Hall Effect and Fermi Surface Transformation in the Pseudogap Phase of Cuprates

Genda Gu

Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Single crystal growth and superconductivity of Fe-Te-Se system materials

Georg Lefkidis

TU Kaiserslautern, Germany

Laser-induced processes on nanomagnets: a quest for nanospintronics

George Sawatzky

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Atomic multiplets, orbital physics, and local hybridization in model approaches to transition metal and rare earth compounds

Giniyat Khaliullin

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany

Towards Kitaev Spin Liquid in 3d Transition Metal Compounds

Guillem Aromi

University of Barcelona, Spain

Heterometallic Lanthanide Coordination Complexes for Quantum Technologies

Hadar Steinberg

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Spectroscopy of Layered Superconductors with van der Waals Tunnel Junctions

Hai-Hu Wen

Nanjing University, China

Topological superconductivity and determining features of Majorana modes in FeTe0.55Se0.45, Bi2Te3/FeTe0.55Se0.45 and Bi-islands/FeTe0.55Se0.45

Hari Babu Nadendla

Brunel University London, UK

Infiltration and Growth process for bulk MgB2 superconductor

Hermann Suderow

UMA, Condensed Matter Physics, Spain

Iron-based Superconductors: Advances in Theory, Fundamentals and Mechanisms

Herre van der Zant

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Spin Signals from Single-Molecule Transistors

Hidenori Hiramatsu

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Iron-Based Superconductor Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition

Hirofumi Tanaka

Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan

Fabrication and Characterization of single layer Graphene Nanoribbons obtained by unzipping of single- and double-walled carbon nanotubes

Hitoshi Miyasaka

Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University, Japan

Phase Switchable Porous Magnets

Hong Ding

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Topological superconductivity and Majorana zero mode in iron-based superconductors

Huaming Guo

Beihang University, China

Pairing symmetry of interacting fermions on twisted bilayer graphene superlattice

Huiqui Yuan

Center for Correlated Matter, Zhejiang University, China

Strange metal behavior and quantum criticality in a pure ferromagnetic Kondo lattice

Igor Lukyanchuk

University of Picardie, France

Ferroelectric as Topological Material

Igor Soloviev

Moscow State University, Russia

Downscaling superconducting digital circuits using magnetic Josephson junctions

Ilya Eremin

Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

Collective modes in pumped unconventional superconductors with competing ground states

Ilya Sochnikov

University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

Detecting electron pairs in tunneling current in underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 junctions above Tc

Iman Askerzade

Ankara University, Turkey

Influence of Unconventional Current-Phase Relation of Josephson Junction on Return Current

Irina Bobkova

ISSP, Chernogolovka, Russia

Magnetoelectric effects in S/F hybrids and Josephson detection of magnetization dynamics

Isa Araz


Realization Optically Pumped Quantum Magnetometer for Medical Applications

Ivan Sadovsky

Microsoft Research Station Q, USA

Large and Uniform Critical Currents in Finite Magnetic Fields

Ivan Skorvanek

Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Slovakia

Tailoring of GMI Sensor Characteristics of Soft Magnetic Ribbons by Layering and Magnetic Field Annealing

James Storey

Robinson Research Institute, New Zealand

Towards a single-model description of cuprates in the pseudogap state

Jan Aarts

Leiden Institute of Physics, Holland

Emergence of Josephson junctions in homogeneous rings of Sr2RuO4

Jan Zaanen

Leiden University, Netherlands

Densely entangled metals: the lessons of holography

Javier Campo

Spanish National Research Council, Spain

Stabilization by thermal fluctuations of a new skyrmionic phase at low temperature in cubic helimagnets: Are new phases still waiting to be discovered?

Je-Geun Park

Seoul National University, Korea

Why magnetic Van der Waals materials?

Jens Hänisch

KIT, Germany

Jc and its Anisotropy in (Li,Fe)OHFeSe Films

Jens Wiebe

Hamburg University, Germany

Study of Artificial Spin Chains on Superconductors as to Topological Superconductivity

Jie Wu

Westlake University, Hanzou, China

Interplay between electronic nematicity and unconventional superconductivity

Jose Ignacio Perez-Landazabal

Departamento de Ciencias Public University of Navarra (UPNa), Spain

Defects, Entropy Contributions and Magnetocaloric Properties in Metamagnetic Shape Memory Alloys

Jose Lado

Aalto University, Finland

Moire physics in graphene/magnetic van der Waals heterostructures

Josep Luis Puigmarti

ETH, CH, Switzerland

Can the Controlled Diffusion of Reagents Lead to New Materials and Properties?

Jun Kishine

The Open University of Japan, Japan

Theory of standing spin waves in a finite-size chiral spin soliton lattice

Jun Ma

University of Cambridge, UK

Thermal-coupled modelling for high-Tc superconducting coated conductors and its applications

Jun Nagamatsu

YUKI Precision Co., Ltd. Japan

The story of MgB2 discovery 20 years ago

Junji Haruyama

Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan

Creation of atomically thin topological insulators - Bi2Te3-nanoparticle decorated graphene and laser-beam irradiated few-layer MoS2-

Kametani Fumitake

NHMFL - Florida State University, USA

Iron Based Superconductors-Properties Important for Applications

Kaveh Lahabi

Leiden Institute of Physics, Holland

Generating Long-Range Spin-Triplet Supercurrents with a Single Ferromagnet

Kazuo Kadowaki

University of Tsukuba, Japan


Kemal Ozturk

Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey

The Study of Experimental Levitation Force Capacity of the Multi-Surface Superconductor Maglev System for Different HTS and PMG Interaction Surfaces.

Kevin Berger

GREEN-Université de Lorraine, France

Numerical Modelling and Analysis of Flux Jumps in MgB2 Bulks: How to Improve the Performance of MgB2 Bulk Magnets

Koji Noda

National Institutes for Quantum and Radiogical Science and Technology, Japan

Large Scale Applications of Superconductors and Their Fundamental Technologies

Kwon Park

Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea

Order Parameter for the Fractional Topological Insulator via Root Partition Overlap

Larissa Panina


Ferromagnetic Microwires as Sensing and Guiding Systems for Applications in Bio-Medicine

Larry Falvello

ICMA, University of Zaragoza, Spain

Synthesis and Characterization of Transition-Metal (Ni, Co) and Lanthanoid Complexes (Gd, Dy, Ce) with Slow Magnetic Relaxation

Lenar Tagirov

Kazan University, Russia

Comprehensive Synthesis and Study of Pd1-xFex alloy – a Tunable Low-Temperature Ferromagnet for Cryogenic Spintronics

Liu Hao Tjeng

Max Plank Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany

Direct Imaging of Orbitals in Quantum Materials

Lluis Mañosa

University of Barcelona, Spain

Multicaloric effects in Magnetic Shape Memory alloys

Luca Salasnich

University of Padova, Italy

Screening of pair fuctuations in two-band superconductors

Lucica Miu

National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania

Origin of the High Vortex Activation Energies in the AC Magnetic Response of Superconductors Close to the DC Irreversibility Line

Luis A. Angurel

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Laser Induced Surface Structures as a Tool to Modify the Superconducting Properties of Nb Flat Sheets

Lutfi Arda

Bahcesehir University, Turkey

Tailoring Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in NiFe2-xGdxO4 Nanoparticles

Maciej Sawicki

Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Spintronics-Semiconductors, Oxide Interfaces, Graphene and Topological Insulators

Manuel V Ramallo

University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Strain-Controlled High Temperature Superconductor+Piezoelectric Hybrid Thin Films

Marco Breschi

University of Bologna, Italy

Large Scale Applications of Superconductors and Their Fundamental Technologies

Maria Cristina Diamantini

University of Perugia, Italy

Topological phases at the SIT

Mariela Menghini

IMDEA Nanociencia, Spain

Vortex dynamics controlled by local enhancement of superconductivity

Mario Ruben

KIT, Germany

Molecular Spin Qudits for Quantum Algorithms

Masaaki Ohba

Kyushu University, Japan

Multi-stability and Non-equilibrium State in Magnetic-MOF-based Clathrates

Masahiro Yamashita

Tohoku University, Japan

Molecular Spintronics Based on Single-Molecule Magnets: Quantum Computer and Highly Density Memory Device

Masatoshi Imada

University of Tokyo, Japan

Ab initio and machine learning studies on cuprates reveal hidden self-energy structure and superconducting mechanism

Matej Pregelj

Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Anisotropy in frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain beta-TeVO4 –spin stripes instead of spin nematicity?

Matjaž Gomilšek

Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Kondo Effect in a Quantum Spin Liquid

Matthieu Le Tacon

KIT, Germany

Uniaxial pressure control of competing orders in the cuprates

Mehmet Acet

University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Shell ferromagnetism

Mehmet Cengiz Onbasli

Koc University, Turkey

Ultralow Power and Broadband Skyrmion Logic Gates

Mehmet Somer

Sabanci University, Turkey

High Quality Boron Production for MgB2 Industrial Applications

Michael Eisterer

TU, Austria

Flux Pinning and Current Percolation in Ba-122 Superconductors

Michael Nicklas

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany

Tuning Competing Ground States in LuFe4Ge2 Using External Pressure

Michail V. Sadovskii

Institute of Electrophysics, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Shallow bands, antiadiabatic phonons and the puzzles of enhanced superconductivity in FeSe/STO

Mikhail Otrokov

Ikerbasque Research Fellow at Materials Physics Center, Spain

Combining Magnetism and Topology:Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulators, Novel Interfaces and Heterostructures

Milorad Milosevic

University of Antwerp, Belgium

Multiscale modeling and numerical experiments on novel and in silico functional materials on atomistic and nano scale.

Min Zhang

University of Strathclyde, UK

Fully HTS machines for electric aircraft propulsion

Ming-Wei Wu

University of Science and Technology of China, China

Gauge-invariant microscopic kinetic theory of superconductivity

Mircea Trif

Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

The Interplay of Magnetism and Superconductivity

Mitsuru Izumi

Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan

HTS Bulk Superconductors and Applications in Rotating Machines

Montserrat Rivas

University of Oviedo, Spain

Magnetism and Paper: Nanotags for Bioanalysis in Lateral Flow Magnetoimmunoassays

Motoyuki Ishikado

CROSS, Japan

Coexisting spin resonance and long-range magnetic order of Eu in EuRbFe4As4

Muhammad Anis-ur-Rehman

COMSATS , Pakistan

Ferrites and Rare Earth Magnetic Materials

MD Shahriar Hossain

School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia

Impact of Mg11B2 low activation superconductor with improved superconducting properties for fusion magnet application

Nakamura Taketsune

Kyoto University, Japan

Challenge to Several Hundred kW Class High-Temperature Superconducting Induction/Synchronous Motor System for Transportation Equipment

Naoyuki Amemiya

Kyoto University, Japan

Large Scale Applications of Superconductors and their fundamental technologies

Nejat Bulut

Izmir University, Turkey

Magnetism of Hemoglobin (Theory)

Neven Barisic

University of Vienna, Austria

High-Tc cuprates – story of two electronic subsystems

Nikolay Plakida

JINR, Russia

Superconductivity of strongly correlated electrons in graphene

Noriko Chikumoto

Chubu University, Japan

Basic investigation of joint properties for superconducting DC cable application

Numan Akdogan

Gebze Technical University, Turkey

Shapeable Planar Hall Sensor for Tactile Sensing Applications in Humanoid Robotics

Oded Millo

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Unconventional superconductivity and magnetic-related states induced in a conventional superconductor by nonmagnetic chiral molecules

Oguz Gulseren

Bilkent University, Turkey

Exploring MXenes/graphene heterostructures for ion battery applications

Oleg Mukhanov

SeeQC Inc., USA

Superconducting Spintronics

Oleg Snigirev

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Recent Results in FeSe Superconductor Family Study

Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy

University of Vienna, Austria

Magnon Fluxonics

Omar H. Chmaissem

Northern Illinois University, USA

Magnetic structure in RbEuFe4As4 revealed by neutron and resonant X-ray scattering

Osami Tsukamoto

Yokohama National University, Japan

Quench Protection of HTS Coils for Power Applications -What are problems and how to cope with them-

Oscar Iglesias

University of Barcelona, Spain

Magnetism of Nanoparticles, Nano-Wires and Nano-Structures

Ozcan Gundogdu

Kocaeli University, Turkey


Ozhan Ozatay

Bogazici University, Turkey

Spin orbit torque effects on (100) oriented antiferromagnet IrMn3

Pascal Febvre

University Savoie Mont Blanc, France

Recent advances in the design of digital and mixed-signal superconducting circuits and sensors

Pieralberto Marchetti

University of Padova, Italy

Charge carriers with ½ exclusion statistics in the high Tc cuprates

Qiang Li

Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Iron-chalcogenide superconductors: from power applications to quantum computing

Quan Li

University of Edinburgh, UK

Dynamic loss in HTS coated conductors

Recep Zan

Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Turkey

Boron Doped Graphene Synthesis and Characterization

Riccardo Tomasello

Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics Foundation for Research and Technology, Greece

Spintronic Devices and Applications

Richard Hlubina

Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

Phenomenology of Overdoped Cuprates

Richard Layfield

University of Sussex, UK

The High-Temperature Frontier in Single-Molecule Magnetism

Rie Umetsu

Tohoku University, Japan

XMCD Study under Pulsed Magnetic Field for Ni-Co-Mn-In Metamagnetic Shape Memory Alloy

Rod Badcock

Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

kAmpere superconducting flux pumps and dynamos - removing current leads and powering rotating machines

Roland Willa

KIT, Germany

Creep and vortex pinning, theory and simulation

Roman Puzniak

Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Enhancement of superconducting state properties and its correlation with crystallinity degradation in superconducting selenides

Ronny Thomale

University of Würzburg, Germany

D-wave superconductivity in Nickel Oxide Superconductors: pairing mechanisms and phenomenology

Rosa Cordoba

University of Zaragoza, Spain

Direct-writing nanofabrication of complex 3D superconducting nanostructures

Ryo Hanai

University of Chicago, USA

Critical exceptional point in driven-dissipative binary condensates

S. Sefat Athena

Oak Ridge National Lab, USA

Iron-Based Superconductors: Advances in Thin Films&Single Crystals

Sabine Wurmehl

IFW Dresden, Germany

Solid state single crystal growth of three-dimensional faceted LaOFeAs crystals

SahngDa Jiang

Peking University, China

Realization and Application of Electrical Quantum Phase Gate in a Rare-Earth Material

Saicharan Aswartham

IFW, Germany

Crystal growth & anisotropic magnetic properties of novel correlated van der Waals materials

Sastry Pamidi


Novel Cooling Concepts for High Power Density HTS Devices for Electric Transportation Applications

Satoshi Fukui

Kobe City College of Technology, Japan

Study on AC Loss Characteristics of REBCO Stator Winding Developed for 50 kW-class HTS Induction/Synchronous Motor

Satoshi Hata

Kyushu University, Japan

Microstructural imperfections in MgB2 and other superconducting materials

Sebastian Wintz

Paul Scherrer Institute, , Switzerland

Spin textures and spin waves as seen by x-ray microscopy

Serena Eley

Colorado School of Mines, USA

Vortex phases and glassy dynamics in the highly anisotropic superconductor HgBa2CuO4+δ

Sergey Bakurskiy

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Superconducting Phase Control in Magnetic Josephson Devices

Sergey Streltsov

Institute of Metal Physics, Russia

Spin-orbit coupling and Jahn-Teller effect: friends of foes?

Sergey Taskaev

Chelyabinsk State University, Russia

Low Temperature Magnetocaloric Materials for Cryogenic Gas Liquefaction by Magnetic Cooling Technique

Setsuko Tajima

Osaka University, Japan

Superconductivity ini Strongly Interacted Systems

Sheng Ran

NIST, Center for Neutron Research, USA

Spin-triplet superconducting state in the nearly ferromagnetic compound UTe2

Shigeru Yoshida

Kyushu University, Japan

Review of He recondensation system with crycoolers

Shigeyuki Ishida

National Institte of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan

Unique Superconducting Properties of 1144-type Iron-based Superconductors

Shinsaku Kambe

Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japon

Exotic electronic states in U-based superconductors

Shinya Hayami

Kumamoto University, Japan

Ferroelectricity in spin crossover iron(II) metallomesogens

Siddharth S. Saxena

University of Cambridge, UK

Quantum Criticality and Related Phonemena

Silvia Haindl

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Thin films and heterostructures of Fe-pnictides

Sultan Ozturk

Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey

Investigation of phase evolution structural and soft magnetic properties of (Fe,Co)-based ribbons

Susannah Speller

Oxford University, UK

Effects of processing on microstructure and superconducting properties of ex-situ MgB2 bulks

Takasada Shibauchi

Tokyo University, Japan

Iron-based Superconductors: Advances in Theory, Fundamentals and Mechanisms

Talal Mallah

ICMMO, Université Paris-Sud, France

Tuning the magnetic anisotropy in mono and binuclear Ni(II) complexes as qubit candidates

Tatiana Guidi


Lattice and Vibrational Dynamics in Single-Ion Molecular Magnets Studied by Inelastic Neutron Scattering

Teemu Ojanen

Tampere University, Finland

The Interplay of Magnetism and Superconductivity

Thomas Fischer

University of Bayreuth, Germany

Topological steps toward walking colloidal bipeds

Thomas Hauet

CNRS, France

Magnetic anisotropy switching induced by shape memory effect in NiTi/Ni bilayer

Tian Shang

Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland

Time-reversal symmetry breaking and unconventional superconductivity

Toni Shiroka

Laboratorium fur Festkorperphysik ETH, Switzerland

Hundred-Fold Increase in Tc in an Almost Pure Beryllium Alloy

Toshiya Ideue

University of Tokyo, Japan

Emergent superconducting transport and vortex dynamics in noncentrosymmetric nanomaterials

Toshiyuki Mito

National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), Japan

Cryogenics Materials, Engineering and Applications

Tsuyoshi Tamegai

The University of Tokyo, Japan

Interplay between Effects of Intrinsic and Artificial Defects on Jc in CaKFe4As4

Tuson Park

Sungkyunkwna University, South Korea

Unconventional Superconductivity in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

Ugur Topal

Tubitak MAM, Turkey

Magnetic Recording, Sensors and Microwave Devices

Ulrich Welp

Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Coexisting magnetism and superconductivity in Iron-based superconductors

Umut Aydemir

Koc University, Turkey

Thermoelectricity and Superconductivity in Inclusion Compounds: A Case Study of Intermetallic Clathrates

Uwe Tauber

Virgina Tech University, USA

Non-equilibrium relaxation and critical aging of flux lines following current quenches

Valentin Alek Dediu


Molecular Spinterface - from fundamentals to applications

Valeria Braccini

CNR – SPIN, Italy

Iron Based Superconductors-Properties Important for Applications

Valeria Rodionova

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia

Novel Functional Magnetic Materials - Basic Approach and Applications

Valery Ryazanov

ISSP, Chernogolovka, Russia

Nonequilibrium and spin phenomena in hybrid superconductor-ferromagnet structures

Vélez Centoral Saül

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Electrical manipulation of magnetic insulators: high-speed domain wall racetracks

Victor Laliena

ICMA, Zaragoza, Spain

Dynamics of chiral solitons in monoaxial helimagnets driven by polarized currents

Vijaya Vallabhapurapu

University of South Africa, South Africa

Emergence of Low field microwave absorption as a new phenomenon in high-Tc Superconductors, Novel magnetism and multiferroic materials

Vincent Repain

Université de Paris, France

Addressing Spin-Crossover Molecules on Metallic Surfaces

Vladimir Chernenko

IKERBASQUE. Basque Foundation for Science, Spain

Multifunctional Heusler-type martensitic materials for actuation and energy

Vladimir Fomin

Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Germany

Simulation of dynamics of the order parameter in superconducting nanostructured materials: Effect of the magnetic field renormalization

Vladimir Kozhevnikov

Institute for Theoretical Physics - KU Leuven, Belgium

Thermodynamics of magnetizing materials and superconductors

Vladimir Pudalov

Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS Russia

Non-centrosymmetric superconductor Sn4As3

Vladislav Kataev

IFW Dresden, Germany

Interplay of Magnetism and Topological Electronic Structure of Magnetic Van Der Waals Compounds

Vyacheslav I Klyukhin

CERN, Switzerland

Influence of the High Granularity Calorimeter Stainless Steel Absorbers onto the CMS Solenoid Inner Magnetic Field

Wei Ku

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Mottness induced phase decoherence suggests Bose-Einstein condensation in overdoped cuprate high-temperature superconductors"

Weijia Yuan

Strathclyde University, UK

Cryogenic Power electronics for HTS propulsion

Wilfrid Prellier

French National Centre for Scientific Research, France

Functional Oxide Thin Films for Applications in Electronic and Health

Wolfgang Belzig

University of Konstanz, Germany

Thermally induced spin-transfer torques in superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers

Xingjiang Zhou

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Direct Momentum-Resolved Visualization of Mott Gap Collapse and Low-Energy State Emergence in Doping a Parent Compound of Cuprate Superconductors

Xavier Moya

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Advanced functional materials for sustainable energy applications

Xerman Francisco de la Fuente

ICMA (CSIC-University of Zaragoza), Spain

Fabrication of Fe Spinel Nanoparticles using Laser Technologies

Xianggang Qui

Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, China

Majorana Fermions and Topology in Superconductors

Xin Lu

Zhejiang University, China

Nematic Superconductivity from Topological Surface States in PbTaSe2

Yakov Fominov

Russian Academy of Science, Russia

Cooper Pair Splitting in Magnetic SQUIDs

Yasuharu Kamioka

ColdTech Associates, Japan

Cryogenics Materials, Engineering and Applications

Yayu Wang

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Doping Evolution of Charge and Pair Density Wave Orders in Cuprates

Yi-Feng Yang

Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Self-doped Mott insulator for parent compounds of nickelate superconductors

Yoram Dagan

Tel Aviv University, Israel

Ferroelectric Control of Normal and Superconducting States in Oxide Interface by Intrinsic and Extrinsic Bias

Yoshihiko Takano

NIMS, Japan

Data-driven exploration of new superconductors under high pressure

Yuko Hosokoshi

Osaka Prefecture University College of Techonology, Japan

New Phenomena and Applications in Molecular Magnets

Yury Ivanyushenkov

Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Superconducting Undulators for Synchrotron Light Sources and Free-Electron Lasers

Yusuke Kousaka

Osaka Prefecture University, Japan

New Magnetic Phases in Chiral Inorganic Magnetic Compounds Probed by Neutron Diffraction Technique

Yusuke Kato

University of Tokyo, Japan

Metastability and excitation spectrum of mono-axial chiral antiferromagnets

Zhanna Devizorova

Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Theory of magnetic phases in Eu based ferromagnetic superconductors

Zhenan Jiang

Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Exploiting asymmetric wire critical current for the reduction of AC loss in HTS coil windings

Ziad Melhem

Oxford Instruments NanoScience, England

Magnet Science and Technology