Bursary/Financial support will be available for young scientist upon International Support Committe approval. The decision will be based on the eminence of the work and GDP of the country. Depending on the decision of the committee, registration fee and/or accomodation support will be provided. The participant is expected to arrange his/her own travel costs.
The final decisions will be announced after the abstract submission closure and evaluation. Application procedure is as the following:
The deadline for requesting financial support is January 06, 2023. After evaluation, the results will be sent individually via email.
Students requiring financial support should have already uploaded an abstract and should prepare:
(a) A brief CV
(b) A brief description of your current research project
(c) At least two letters of recommendation, one of which should be from your supervisor
These materials mentioned above must be e-mailed to registration@icsmforever.org in zip format as a single file.